Thanksgiving is a perfect offering to show appreciation,

visit Psalm 124 for guide on thanksgiving or the Surah An-Nisa

Everything we have faced is only a call to come deeper into God, for every situation you had overcome in 2014, it is a pull to tell you it is not by your strength and it is the lord’s mercy we are not consumed and he has not given us to them as a prey.
We should put on an attitude of praise and words of worship. Please see Psalm 89:

6 key things Praise is?

  1. It is a key to supernatural victory
  2. It the key to the birthing of divine revelation
  3. It is the key to uplifting and promotion
  4. It is the key to growth and Increase
  5. It is the key to sustainance of your fruitfulness without any value loss
  6. Above all, it is the key that changes your entire world view as you know it now

We all want God to do something new, something different. We want him to be so evident in our lives in a new way. We want to move up to a new level, we want promotion, marriage, children, love etc. The truth is we all want lots of things and getting them sometimes seems to be quite difficult. Why? Because we haven’t really thanked God for what he has done.

Have you really thanked God for the Job you have before you begin to desire a promotion, many don’t have jobs and they would kill to have a job with your salary, no matter how little? You want marriage, have you thanked him for being alive to this point and appreciated him for being the best version of yourself, that he can see you as a blessing to another soul? Or do you think God wants to ass problem to another person’s life in the vices of marriage?

Have you thanked him, learnt and grabbed all he has packaged for you in being single. Do you want children? Have you thanked God for the marriage you have and manifested as a good wife, daughter and daughter-in-law? have you blessed the lord for the partner you have, is your home the house of God?

You want love, have you loved and truly loved the person who designed and orchestrated love itself, have you thanked him by loving yourself the way he loves you?

The Fact is you want and you are insatiable, but have you blessed God and truly thanked for always having you in mind and meeting those needs and satisfying some of your desires, because you need to face the fact that not all your desires are good.

Note: God doesn’t just accept any thanks offering. He only accepts the one from a repentant heart, a heart true to his name and righteousness (John 4:23-24).

Therefore, Repent, turn from your evil and wayward ways, thoughts and imaginations and seek the Lord with all diligence, while you can still search for him.

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